Monday, March 16, 2009

Additional Early Marriage Corrections for Thomas, to Michelle and Rachel Roberts

Here comes some sleuthing clarification from Cousin Kathy. On both early genealogy charts, (on the left of this blog) in the fourth generation you see Thomas marrying Michelle Robert. Well he did, but according to the family records in Guernsey, he also married Rachel Robert, probably a sister. Cousin Kathy recalls Rachel was first. Whew. According to the records, Michelle had 4 children, 3 girls starting names with "M", and one son. The 2 charts differ in total children. It appears one died within a year and the next child carried the same name, looks like Nicolas, from whom I descend.

Also, on the recent family chart, one of Thomas's daughter is listed as Laurence. It should be spelled Lorence (female name) married to Jean (male name for John). Confusing I know.

Cousin Kathy has created a large GED file that I hope to get on line soon. Stay with me!
Thanks Kathy for all your hard work. Also, if anyone on Guernsey wants to look any of this up, we would love it! Thanks.